IS America has announced that Trails of Cold Steel 4 is coming to PS4 and Switch. The PS4 version will launch in 2020 while the Switch version will launch in 2021. Trails of Cold Steel 4 takes place shortly after the end of Trails of Cold Steel 3 and sees the heroes of Class VII fighting “against the full force of the Empire in an attempt to stop its path of total domination.”
Additionally, Class VII’s instructor has gone missing. Students of Class VII, both current and from the past have to team up and prevent total destruction.
Trails of Cold Steel 4
This release will see the largest roster of characters in franchise history and will include “Crossbell’s Special Support Section and even the heroes of Liberl.”
Other features include;
- Battle Most Refined
- New and returning systems join the already polished combat of The Legend of Heroes series, including the ability to summon giant mechs to the field for devastating attacks, engage in Auto Battle for more expedient combat, and utilize Lost Arts, the most powerful Orbal magic capable of turning the tide of battle.
- Pursuits of the War Weary
- In between epic battles, catch a breather with a number of mini-games including returning favorites like Vantage Master, and fishing and puzzle games, as well as all-new pursuits like Poker, Blackjack, and the Horror Coaster.
PS4 users can play in 2020 and Switch users in 2021.