Xbox Live Is Down Right Now For Some

Xbox Live is "experiencing errors" as players are unable to log into Xbox Live or find matches.

Xbox Live is down again. Microsoft confirmed that the online network is experiencing issues for the second time in less than a week. The issues are pretty serious, as some people are unable to log into Xbox Live or, if they can connect, they're struggling to find matches.
As always, your mileage may vary. For some, Xbox Live remains online and available with no interruptions. Xbox Live is a global network that relies on server infrastructure that exists around the world and depends on a number of different factors for smooth operation.
For what it's worth, Microsoft says it's "currently investigating" the newest Xbox Live issues.

We understand some users may be experiencing errors with sign in or matching making on Xbox Live, and are currently investigating. Please check back here for details.

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The new Xbox Live downtime appears to be connected, at least in part, to COVID-19 (coronavirus). With many offices and schools closed, more people are at home, and this is putting an extra strain on online networks, including Xbox Live.
The Xbox Live Status website shows that Xbox Live's "core services" are currently impacted--this includes the basics like signing in and playing games. Also, "Purchase and Content Usage" is also experiencing issues.
Xbox boss Phil Spencer confirmed on Twitter that Xbox Live usage is "up on almost everything."

Yea, usage is up on almost everything. Thanks go out to all the Ops/IT teams at all the companies that are working hard to keep everything running smoothly with all going on around them.

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Keep checking back with GameSpot for the latest on Xbox Live's latest issues.

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