Borderlands 3 Make Permanent Changes to Takedown Event

Borderlands 3 Make Permanent Changes to Takedown Event

They say when you have something good, don’t let it go, and Borderlands 3 is taking that to heart with its Maliwan Blacksite event.
Starting today, the Maliwan Blacksite event no longer is temporary but instead a perpetual event in the world filled with masked psychos and glowing loot chests.
There are also some changes coming to the Blacksite event. You can channel your inner Cudi and go solo dolo, instead of the game scaling the difficulty as if there is a whole squad with you. Basically, the event now accounts for if there is only one player and adjusts the challenge accordingly.
Although, if you like to your games to make you scream like a madman and scare your neighbors, have no fear, True Takedown Mode is here. Well, at least it will be here once a later February update arrives where you can play the original difficulty of the event that doesn’t scale for one player.
This is not the first time a title has made something meant to be temporary, become a permanent fixture due to popularity. Other games such as Rocket League added it’s Snow Day mode to the game types after continually leaving fans in the cold once the holidays ended.

Third Time’s The Charm

Borderlands 3 released in September of last year and went on to sell over 5 million copies. Although it doubled the sales of Borderlands 2 upon release, the Metacritic rating is slightly lower than its predecessor at 82.
The title has also been surrounded by controversy leading up to the release, mostly surrounding Gearbox CEO Randy Pitchford. This ranges from becoming an Epic Store exclusive, cloud save issues to claims of not having microtransactions…then having them. We’ll keep you up to date with the latest Borderlands 3 news as it hits,

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