Most of the time when a game is announced to be cancelled there’s a feeling of sadness that washes over the gamers who were awaiting its release. Maybe it was the next game in a mega-popular series or perhaps the next project by a talented development team. No matter the reason, cancellations are usually bad news for all involved… but not always. Sometimes, a game getting cancelled is actually a blessing in disguise that either helps the developer or game series reach new heights with what actually does come next or just saves our time and money by keeping what would obliviously have been a bad time lost forever. So to these 10 games we say – ‘so long, don’t let the door hit you on the way out’.

10 – Titan

Kicking off this list is Blizzard’s cancelled next-gen MMO – Titan. For a while this was being billed as the proper successor to World of Warcraft though it would have absolutely nothing to do with the fantasy series. Set in the distant future Titan would of been much more sci-fi influenced and showcase a much more technologically advanced civilization that we had come to know from Blizzard outside of the StarCraft series. Well, true to its name the project ballooned in size and grew to titanic proportions, to the point that even Blizzard felt like they wouldn’t be able to deliver the game they had hoped to craft and decided to cancel the game. So why are we happy Titan never saw the light of day? Well many of the game’s ideas would go on to be incorporated in the absolutely fantastic Overwatch, and anything that helped make that game a reality is a good decision in our books.

9 – Prey 2

Next up let’s talk about Prey 2… the first one. First show off at E3 2011, this sequel to the bizarre little Xbox 360 game put you in the boots of an interplanetary bounty hunter, chasing down marks for payment. It looked pretty cool and I for one couldn’t wait to see more from the game. Well too bad for me because just a few short months later it was scrapped, the development studio removed from the project and no future in sight for the Prey franchise. That would be until 2017 when Arkane Studios brought the franchise back with a reboot that is about a million times better than the original and paints a bold vision for the future of the series. We’re definitely better off with this new version of the second Prey game.

8 – Mega Man: Universe

Ok let’s get into the nitty-gritty here with some games that genuinely did not look like they were going to turn out very good, and the first of those is Mega Man: Universe (which is not ever the last Mega Man game on this list). From the moment this game was revealed it looked like a mess, not just with its off-putting art style but with its proposed gameplay that combined standard Mega Man levels (based heavily on Mega Man 2) with level editing and online sharing and trading. Nothing about Mega Man: Universe made any sense and so when Capcom pulled the plug in 2011 the world breathed a bit of a sigh of relief that they wouldn’t have to try to figure this one out.

7 – Resident Evil (Game Boy Color)

Sometimes ambition is a great thing and releasing a game that many would of thought impossible for a console to run is a big success. When it comes to Resident Evil for the Game Boy Color? Ya this wouldn’t of worked. Taking the PlayStation game, turning all the visuals into 2D sprites but trying to keep the 3D gameplay would of made for a horribly imprecise experience (remember how small the Game Boy Color’s screen was?) that no one could of played for more than five minutes before running away in horror.

6 – Project H.A.M.M.E.R.

One of the first games ever shown off for Nintendo’s Wii game console is one that we never got to play and honestly, that’s probably a good thing. When Project H.A.M.M.E.R. was revealed at E3 2006, the entire premise of the game was that your were an angry cyborg who swung a giant hammer to smash things. Now while that might have sounded pretty darn good before any of us got our hands on the Wii Remote and its litany of waggle-fest games, the reality is the game would of probably been a generic Wii-action game and only served to reinforce the notion that motion controls couldn’t be implemented properly into games. Maybe I’m wrong and it would of been of been great but let’s be honest, it never looked very good.