What Went Wrong With #RatchetAndClank: Rift Apart’s PC Release?


The brilliant title fell a prey to poor practices.

PlayStation‘s brilliant exclusives; Sony had them and everyone wanted them. PC gamers would give anything to see them ported, and thus, Sony’s decision to release PC ports was a pretty huge deal for the gaming community. Then, why is it that when some lesser-known exclusives got the chance to gather more recognition and appreciation, they were blatantly turned away?

On the one hand, we have a critical demand for PS exclusives on PC, and on the other, some of the deserving titles are ignored when they do make their way to the platform. This contradiction has some integral reasons behind it like poor marketing practices. It claimed the lives of truly brilliant gems like Returnal earlier this year and now Ratchet and Clank: Rift Apart. The game was undoubtedly a splendid adventure, yet couldn’t reach the recognition it deserves.

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