Space for Sale
- the cutesy alien real estate game in development by Mirage Game Studios (the same team behind Little Big Workshop) - just got a new trailer, where it was confirmed that closed beta applications are open right now.
“Space for Sale follows the journey of an intergalactic property developer on a mission to build habitats for eccentric alien clients,” the game’s synopsis reads (via Steam). “Discover the wonders scattered throughout the new solar system you bought on the cheap, build estates, and sell them for a sweet profit!”
Players will need to venture out across lush procedurally generated planets in order to find scenic spots for their extraterrestrial clientele (who look hilarious, by the way) to reside in. They’ll be tasked with constructing everything from huge, luxury estates to small and snug houses. Exploring space isn’t a safe task, though - there’ll be dangers lurking out there, including aggressive plants who definitely don’t want houses built on top of them, thank you very much.
What’s more, Space for Sale can either be played solo or with a friend in co-op. It’s going to be released exclusively on PC, though, so anyone hoping to dive into it on console is out of luck.