#Gamers #MinecraftLegends How to Beat the Night Beacon Base:

 IMinecraft Legends, players fight to push back the Piglin Horde that threatens to overrun the Overworld. After some early scuffles that do a good job of introducing players to the game's core mechanics, players are tasked with taking on the Night Beacon Base. This serves as the end of the game's opening and gives players a taste of the sort of Piglin Fortresses they'll have to contend with throughout the rest of the game.

Minecraft Legends gives players one major advantage during this first siege, as respawning squads of zombies, skeletons, and the ever-popular creepers arrive as reinforcements and can be drafted into the player's army with a wave of their banner. This makes the battle considerably easier than it otherwise would be, as players are facing a far larger and better-equipped Piglin army than previously seen.

How to Beat the Night Beacon Base in Minecraft Legends:

Minecraft Legends players approaching the Night Beacon Base will be greeted by a cutscene showing off the newly arrived army of mobs, rallied after seeing the player's success against Piglin camps throughout the opening. Once this cutscene plays, it's time to lead the charge.

Players should amass their golems of choice (ideally with a decent number of stone golems and grindstone golems for breaking through enemy architecture) and ride around waving their banner to recruit some additional aid from the mob army.

Players can only command 25 creatures at a time with the banner by this point in the game, so players should send this first force to begin the advance on the enemy base and start breaking down gates and buildings outside the main structure.

The goal is to create an opening to get through the wall and eliminate any Piglin Barracks and Blaze Rod towers near that opening. This will reduce the damage output of the Piglin horde considerably while reducing any reinforcements they can receive near the entrance.

While the player's initial army is charging the gates and creating that opening, the player can ride back and circle the encampment, recruiting more mobs and amassing 25 more units, which can then be brought to reinforce the first group the player sent in. Continue doing this, potentially breaking off some groups to take out additional barracks, nether spreaders, and Blaze Rod Towers in the area surrounding the encampment to further cripple the Piglin Horde's defenses.

Once the gates are breached, players might be tempted to charge right for the portal, but it tends to be better for players to eliminate troublesome buildings in the vicinity and open up any cages containing extra mobs to recruit.

In between directing groups to attack troublesome structures and rescuing more mobs, players can also ride back outside and grab more of the respawning mob army reinforcements, along with spawning additional golems if they've set up spawners on the edge of the Piglin territory.

A variety of Piglin enemy types make their debut during this map, but the player has a massive unit advantage, so this is a good opportunity to learn what these new enemy types are capable of by observing them as they are overrun by the player's army.

Once any particularly irritating buildings have been excised, players should focus their entire army on the portal to demolish it and clear the Night Beacon Base. After this, the game opens up considerably, and players are able to choose their objectives and strategies more freely.

Minecraft Legends is available for PS4, PS5, PC, Xbox One, Xbox Series X/S, and Nintendo Switch.

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