#Gamers #EldenRing Shadow of the Erdtree DLC Should Make Torrent More Than a One-Trick Pony:


Elden Ring's Shadow of the Erdtree DLC has an opportunity to update Torrent and the player to better address FromSoftware's attempts at platforming.

The upcoming Shadow of the Erdtree DLC for Elden Ring has the opportunity to better evaluate a design aspect that has continued to be a mainstay among titles by developer FromSoftware. An upgrade to either Torrent, the player character, or the design of some platforming sections could make sure that the jumping attacks and puzzles in Elden Ring become better tests of skill, rather than patience.

Platforming has long become a staple in FromSoftware titles, with locations and items across the entire Souls series only being accessible with a well-timed jump. Then, the addition of a dedicated jump button in Elden Ring and a revamped fall system appears to be the first step in the direction of making these platforming sections the best in the developer's history. However, the current version still isn't exactly the hight of enjoyment that it appears to be going for.

Torrent's Janky Double-Jump

One issue with the current platforming in Elden Ring is the way that jumping controls, specifically while the player is in the air and is essentially left to fall on blind faith. The only alternative to these uncontrolled falls is the double jump that comes with the mount, Torrent. In most titles with this type of platforming, the addition of an unlockable double jump usually indicates reaching higher locations or having better control to readjust a jump in midair. However, Torrent runs into the problem of including the precision of a double jump with the imprecise movement of horse controls.

This is one place where FromSoftware could make improvements in the Shadow of the Erdtree DLC, by giving players the ability to unlock new controls for Torrent or the Tarnished. An upgrade to the double jump would be an obvious solution, but something as simple as taking Torrent's jump and giving it to the Tarnished through a Talisman or other key item could massively improve the platforming.

Accessible Platforming, Without Removing the Challenge

In the discussion of altering the accessibility of FromSoftware titles, it can be difficult to parse the difference between making the game less challenging and less frustrating. However, when it comes to the platforming, this might be easier to remedy than with the fast-paced combat or perceived fairness of some of Elden Ring's more notorious bosses. That's to say, give players a way to improve their movement while in the air, either when they're on Torrent or when they are running around as the standard Tarnished.

A dedicated double jump, or one granted through Elden Ring's talismans, could already make some of the more frustrating jumps slightly more manageable. Of course, that could allow for some skips that might get adapted into speedrunning, which FromSoftware seems to have a complicated relationship with already. Regardless, the tighter controls of the player character would be a strong improvement for platforming in the overworld, as well as making some of the moments without Torrent like in the Subterranean Shunning Grounds more manageable for players.

In addition, giving Torrent something similar to the assist mode in Celeste, where the player can get access to a hover mechanic or more jumps while in the air, could reduce some of the frustration of wrangling the horse controls. While Torrent himself controls fine for most of the game, the way that he sometimes spawns with a sprint or takes a few steps forward when landing makes being forced to use him while platforming into a slog at times. So, making sure that Elden Ring's Torrent is the best way to traverse through the platforming sections down the sides of mountains in Shadow of the Erdtree could help to keep players invested as the DLC possibly explores his origins.

Elden Ring is available now for PC, PS4, PS5, Xbox One, Xbox Series X/S.

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