While Digital Extremes has aleady shared the massive Warframe Operation Scarlet Spear patch notes for PC a few weeks ago, the Warframe Scarlet Spear patch is live, and brings a host of new changes, an extended Operation date, and new cosmetics!
First off, Digital Extremes has announced that Scarlet Spear will be extended a week due to early launch issues. The new end date is April 28 on PC. Now onward to the patch notes below.
Warframe Scarlet Spear patch changes:
Scarlet Spear Additions & Changes:
First: Scarlet Spear will be extended by 1 week due to the early launch issues. April 28 is the new End Date for Scarlet Spear on PC.
First: Scarlet Spear will be extended by 1 week due to the early launch issues. April 28 is the new End Date for Scarlet Spear on PC.
Second: Ground Assault and Murex Raid Scoring have been increased – which means Scarlet Credit earning has been increased!
Before: Ground Assault missions started at 5 Points per Kill Code, reaching a possible 2295 points by round 17.
After: Ground Assault missions now start at 8 Points per Kill Code, reaching a possible 4104 points by round 17!
After: Ground Assault missions will reach a possible 4131 points by Round 17!
After: Ground Assault missions will reach a possible 4131 points by Round 17!
Before: Murex Raids started at 10 Points per Kill Code, reaching a possible 1875 by Murex 5.
After: Murex Raids now start at 12 Points per Kill Code, reaching a possible 3888 by Murex 5!
After: Murex Raids missions will reach a possible 3960 by Murex 5!
After: Murex Raids missions will reach a possible 3960 by Murex 5!
Scoring Calculation Issues:
Earlier today / we released a revised scoring post with the following details:
Ground Assault missions started at 8 Points per Kill Code, reaching a possible 4104 points by Round 17!
After: Murex Raids now start at 12 Points per Kill Code, reaching a possible 3888 by Murex 5!
Ground Assault missions started at 8 Points per Kill Code, reaching a possible 4104 points by Round 17!
After: Murex Raids now start at 12 Points per Kill Code, reaching a possible 3888 by Murex 5!
However, players are receiving a 2820 and 3672 for Space and Ground respectively. While this is still an increase from before, it is not the amount we announced.
The correct numbers in the next Hotfix will be:
After: Ground Assault missions will reach a possible 4131 points by Round 17!
After: Murex Raids missions will reach a possible 3960 by Murex 5!
The correct numbers in the next Hotfix will be:
After: Ground Assault missions will reach a possible 4131 points by Round 17!
After: Murex Raids missions will reach a possible 3960 by Murex 5!
We sincerely apologize for another day of unintended scoring results, and this will be fixed next Hotfix. We know this has been confusing and we regret that we’ve caused so many misunderstandings due to calculation errors.
Third: Rare and Legendary Arcanes have been added to Little Duck’s Scarlet Spear Trade!
We have added the Rare and Legendary Arcanes to Little Duck’s Trade for 2000 Credits Per Rare and 4000 Credits Per Legendary.
Scarlet Spear Fixes:
- Fixed players not getting into the ‘Busy’ Flotillas that they selected.
- The scenario here occurred when selecting a ‘Busy’ Flotilla due to the Flotilla filling up very quickly with players. The fix here is to allow for extra room in the Flotilla if you attempted to join when there was still room available. You may now see Flotillas with more than 50 people from this change.
- Fixed Clients not joining Scarlet Spear Flotilla Chat if they join the squad while the Host is transitioning to either Murex Raid or Ground Assault.
- Fixes towards becoming stuck on infinite loading if either a Murex Raid or Ground Assault mission started before the Clients finished loading into Flotilla.
- Fixed the OpLink denied sound playing for Host when it is denied for Client.
Healing AOE Review
We made a hasty change in Hotfix 27.3.6 that removed Venari’s Heal aura from affecting Oplinks AND Defense Targets. Firstly, the terminology of calling Venari’s Defense Target healing a ‘fix’ was incorrect, so apologies there on my behalf. It’s correct to say it was a feature for Venari, considering it had its own Tip for it! The change stemmed from our desire to resolve Operation exploits as quickly as possible, and we didn’t communicate this properly.
We’re doing a deeper review on abilities that heal Defense Targets that we can speak to in the coming days.
Apologies as well for the late reply on this topic. We’ll update everyone when we’ve dug deeper and have an action plan.
General Changes:
General Changes:
- Limbo’s Stasis duration now has diminishing returns on Sentients and Amalgams when the power is used repeatedly. This choice was made for 2 main reasons:
- 1) Limbo’s Stasis usage makes the gameplay of the Scarlet Spear far too trivial.
- 2) Sentients by design have Adaptation – and the diminishing returns on recasting adheres to the adaptive nature of the enemy.
- This is not intended to change the way Stasis interacts with other enemy factions.
- Removed Titania’s Exalted weapons appearing in the Codex Weapon section, as Exalted Weapons do not show here.
- The Pox, Acceltra, and Shedu have been given explosion FX tweaks for visual and performance improvement.
- Optimized the Attica’s embedded projectiles to help CPU and GPU performance.
- Optimized the Hystrix projectile trail and spark FX.
- Removed the replication of the Basmu reload Health FX so that only the user will see the FX to aid in performance.
- Performance improvements towards Grineer Crewships when their engines explode.
Railjack Fixes:
- Fixed Sentient Exterminate objective randomly starting on POI hints.
- Fixed Vidar Reactors Mk III missing their component modifiers for Warframe clients that are not in English.
- Fixed script crash that could occur if you joined a Railjack mission at exactly the wrong moment.
- Fixed ability to trigger the Shedu’s radial explosion multiple times during its cooldown.
- Fixed Titania Prime’s energy wings not applying to her Razorwing when other Skins are equipped.
- Fixed Titania’s Ironclad Flight Augment not functioning.
- Fixed Titania/Grendel buff wheels showing up when the ability has not been unlocked yet. Also fixed the buffs being greyed out until you leveled up enough.
- Fixed the Kuva Tonkor and Phantasma requiring an Orokin Catalyst to unlock its Exilus Slot instead of an Exilus Adapter.
- Fixed inability to Polarize the Dark Split-Sword with Stance Forma or Umbra Forma.
- Fixed the Corinth Prime missing its pump action animation.
- Fixed some players appearing to be eligible for a Mastery Rank Test but upon selecting it would be rejected.
- This was due to some weapons being considered as ‘Mastered’ when they were not.
- Fixed the Shedu and Basmu reload FX being visible while invisible.
- Fixed inability to Chat link Shedu and its parts.
- Fixed Pennant sounds not playing correctly for Melee Stance Combos.
- Fixed broken/missing UI for Clients in Hijack missions.
- Fixed a script error after Host migration occurred during a Void Fissure mission.
- Fixed a script error when playing Infested Salvage on Eris.
- Fixed a script error when transitioning from Vallis/Plains to Fortuna/Cetus with the Synthesis Scanner equipped.
- Fixed a script error when summoning the K-Drive.
- Fixed a script error when catching a boot while Fishing.
- Fixed a script error when casting Titania’s Tribute.
Scarlet Spear: TennoGen
Kuva Lich Fix:
We’ve fixed a code change that resulted in numerous Kuva Lich issues:
We’ve fixed a code change that resulted in numerous Kuva Lich issues:
- Fixed Kuva Lich Codex History and current Kuva Lich being incorrect (Names, Weapons, etc).
- Fixed missing Kuva Lich UI button.
- Fixed having no Kuva Lich Influenced Nodes.
- Fixed inability to birth a new Kuva Lich via Kuva Larvling.
This Hotfix will put everyone’s Kuva Liches back to the way they were prior to Hotfix 27.3.8.
Scarlet Spear Fixes:
- Potential fix for both Host and Client players not seeing Kill Code transmissions from other players, only Kill Code transmissions personally sent.
- Fixed a script error when being attacked by the Aerolyst.
- Fixed enemies becoming immune to all Status Effects when Titania’s Lantern and Spellbind is cast on them.
Scarlet Spear: TennoGen
Scoring Calculation Issues:
Earlier yesterday we released a revised scoring post with the following details:
Ground Assault missions started at 8 Points per Kill Code, reaching a possible 4104 points by Round 17!
After: Murex Raids now start at 12 Points per Kill Code, reaching a possible 3888 by Murex 5!
Ground Assault missions started at 8 Points per Kill Code, reaching a possible 4104 points by Round 17!
After: Murex Raids now start at 12 Points per Kill Code, reaching a possible 3888 by Murex 5!
However, players were receiving a 2820 and 3672 for Space and Ground respectively. While this is still an increase from before, it is not the amount we announced.
The correct numbers in this Hotfix will be:
After: Ground Assault missions will reach a possible 4131 points by Round 17!
After: Murex Raids missions will reach a possible 3960 by Murex 5!
After: Ground Assault missions will reach a possible 4131 points by Round 17!
After: Murex Raids missions will reach a possible 3960 by Murex 5!
We sincerely apologize for another day of unintended scoring results.. We know this has been confusing and we regret that we’ve caused so many misunderstandings due to calculation errors.
Scarlet Spear Fixes:
- Fixed Clients having an incorrect Murex Score in the ‘Skirmish Complete’ popup when completing 5 Murex Waves.
- Fix towards Clients experiencing an infinite load tunnel into Murex Raid if the Host experiences lag.
- Fixed a script error when joining in progress as a “Kill Code Transmission” starts to play.
- Fixed a few tintmasks on the Wisp Delusion Skin to make her tint values consistent vs her various Helmets.
- Fixed a script error occurring during a Host migration when playing a Defection mission.
- Fixed a script error for Clients during The Jordas Precept.
- Fixed a script error when throwing the Fishing Spear.
Consoles should be getting Scarlet Spear soon. You can check out the cosmetic items here.
Source: Warframe forums