Call of Duty: Warzone makes a strong case for being the best battle royale game out there, encouraging players to constantly fight each other and keep on the move, while providing a few key opportunities to come back into the fray after death. While there is now the option for solo play in Warzone, the best way to experience any battle royale is with a well-built team of friends in close communication.
Call of Duty: Warzone, like other battle royales, suffers when playing in a team of random players who are not coordinated and don't communicate. With a well-coordinated and balanced squad though, victory is a lot easier to come by. It doesn't help to have three players all running off and taking individual fights, but it also doesn't help if everyone in the squad brings a loadout that benefits the individual more than the team. In the interest of bagging more victories, building a cohesive squad is a must.
Call of Duty: Warzone is out now for PC, PS4, and Xbox One.