Rocket League’s March Update to land next week

Image via Psyonix
Rocket League’s next update is only a few days away.
Psyonix revealed that the March Update will drop on Tuesday, March 10. It’s bringing in some minor, but welcome, changes. Players will be able to trade up their blueprints and the upcoming quality of life improvements will improve the player experience as a whole.
The March Update will allow players to trade up their blueprints as if they were normal, free items. Like normal trade up processes, players can burn five items of the same rarity and series to get a blueprint with a higher rarity.
It’s a positive change and will benefit players across the board, but older players and former crate hoarders will get the most out of the feature. The Blueprints Update transformed each crate into a blueprint, which must be crafted for a price. Trading up blueprints will allow players to get schematics for higher-rarity items without the need to open them, like it was with crates. Crafting the item, however, will still consume credits.
The inventory system is also getting a necessary tweak. After the March Update, filters will apply to your entire garage as long as your inventory is open. This will prevent players from having to re-filter items when changing categories or accidentally disabling the specific parameters they chose.
The March Update will also tweak default settings to be more beginner-friendly. The new standard configurations slightly increased camera distance, which makes it easier to observe the game, but might make it marginally harder to hit the ball. Base dead zone and camera shake have also been decreased to make controls easier for new players.

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