Jackbox Games Exemplifies Community During Quarantine

Jackbox Games Exemplifies Community During Quarantine
Quiplash 2 InterLASHional is expected to be released in the coming months.

Couches. TV dinner trays. Home WiFi. Often taken for granted, these home tools are the popular kids in school right now. I haven’t logged off my home network in a week and my cushions are starting to resemble lunar craters. People worldwide are spending more time in the living room than ever, and they’re looking for new highways for entertainment. Jackbox Games has heard the public’s cries, and they’re here to help.
If you’re reading this and are unfamiliar with Jackbox Games, they’re a leading developer in the party game genre. You can find their products across all major console stores, Steam, Epic Games, etc. While their zany titles can all be purchased individually, the real value of their products lays in their Party Packs. Each, of which there are six, bundles a handful of their games into unique collections. I recommend The Jackbox Party Pack 3.

Drawful 2 Free on Steam

On March 20 the company took to its website to give fans a gift. Jackbox Games’ announced that one of its classic titles, Drawful 2, will be available FOR FREE on Steam, as well as, for Apple TV. Immediately after, the company continued to inform readers that the game would be on sale for 99% off on the Nintendo eShop.
We want to help make it easier for people to experience moments of connection and happiness during a dark period

Supporting Homeschooling Parents

Jackbox Games has delivered endless laughs for several years. Their games are tremendous applications for building community and strengthening bonds with friends and loved ones. On top of that, a number of their games can serve as educational tools for young students. With schools closing globally and parents filling in as teachers, accessible education assets are a hot commodity.
This is foreign soil for many parents, and I can’t begin to imagine the difficulty of balancing work, a child’s schooling, and parental responsibilities right now. Consequently, all the moms and dads out there deserve infinite thanks, and Jackbox Games shares this sentiment.
Screenshot from Jackbox Games’ Dictionarium
In a recent blog post, Brooke Breit, writer at Jackbox, detailed ways in which new homeschool teachers can plan lessons and implement them by utilizing the developer’s products. Several titles were noted, including Dictionarium. Breit further explains that the word association game offers the potential to build synonym knowledge and strengthen sentence building within developing students.
Combine it with trivia titles like You Don’t Know Jack and parents turned teachers will have the potential to discover hours worth of fun lessons and educational breaks throughout the in-home school days.

Quiplash 2 InterLASHional will be Quintilingual

Quiplash 2, my favorite Jackbox game, will be expanding localization to regions outside of The States for the first time. Four new languages will be featured in the new installment, including French, German, Italian, and Spanish. And of course, English will still be around.
However, new players won’t just receive the original content. Additionally, players will be happy to learn that 100 brand new prompts for each language will be added as well! Expect the release within the coming months on the Steam, Xbox One, PS4, and Nintendo Switch stores.

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