Bungie Raises $1 Million For Australia Bushfire Relief

With seemingly the whole world enveloped by discussion and concern around COVID-19 (coronavirus), it might be easy to forget another terrible tragedy that impacted Australia earlier this year. Horrible bushfires ripped through the country, destroying land and causing deaths and other devastation that the country won't soon recover from. Destiny developer Bungie raised money to support the bushfire relief efforts, and now the company has revealed it raised $1 million through its campaign.
The Bungie Foundation, which is the developer's charitable arm, raised $1 million ($1.7 million AUD) through sales of the "Guardians for Australia" t-shirt. Bungie sold more than 75,000 shirts since they went on sale in January. The $1 million will be donated to the NSW Rural Fire Service and WIRES.
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The shirt features kangaroos and a gumtree, as well as Destiny ship. It also comes with a special in-game emblem.
"We are blown away by the outpouring of love and generosity the Bungie community has shown for Australia following their devastating wildfire seasons," Bungie Foundation boss Christine Edwards said in a statement. "Because of our fans, the New South Wales Rural Fire Service will be better equipped to deal with future challenges and serve the community in times of need."
"WIRES will be able to rehabilitate their sick, injured, and displaced wildlife while restoring their natural habitat," Edwards added. "From the bottom of our hearts, thank you for continuing to demonstrate that the Bungie community is stronger together and truly makes our world a better and kinder place."
This was just the latest charity campaign from Bungie, as the developer previously raised money to support earthquake relief for Nepal in 2015 and for Hurricane Harvey relief efforts in 2017.

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