From a recent statement by Arnold Schwarzenegger, we learned that the actor has recently provided his voice into a new game about Predator. He didn't specify what specific title he was referring to, but most likely he was referring to an online action game under license from Predator: Hunting Grounds.
Last week, The Arnorld Sports Festival took place in Columubs, Ohio, where the editors of The Arnolds Fans found out a little bit about the latest projects that Arnold Schwarzenegger, the famous actor known for Terminator and Predator films, was involved in. When asked if he was watching productions with his participation, he replied that he did it quite recently, so he could get into the right mood before the voice-over for the Predator game.
"The other day Predator came on, and I said to my girlfriend, "Let's watch the beginning." And we ended up watching the whole thing because it still held up today. Other movies don't hold up, but movies like Predator and the first Terminator really hold up, and it was really fun to watch. Interesting enough, a week later I was asked to do some voice-over for a video game that is coming out about Predator. So it was great that I watched it to get back in that mood again to do the voice-over."
Arnold didn't say exactly what kind of Predator game we can expect, but we can assume that it's will be Predator: Hunting Grounds, an online action game based on the movie license. So far, it has not been confirmed whether Alan "Dutch" Schaefer (played by Schwarzenegger in Predator) will appear in it. However, taking into account his statement, we can expect that even if the character will not be available on the day of the release, it is quite possible that he will appear later, as part of additional content.
Predator: Hunting Grounds is to launch on April 24, 2020 on PC and PlayStation 4. In the game, a group of players will play the role of human commandoes, with one of the participants in the game controlling the Predator. The alien will be equipped with many gadgets and skills that will help him fight, and the soldiers will have to rely mainly on cooperation. There will be no single-player mode in the title.