#SEGA Wants to Turn the Year Blue With #Sonic 2020


SEGA Wants to Turn the Year Blue With Sonic 2020

SEGA must be on some kind of sugar high because they’ve today promised to release Sonic related news every month for the next year. And the whole scheme kicks off with the reveal of the idea itself.
But I’m just wondering if they’ve got the stamina to finish what they’ve started – that sounds like a lot of hoops to run through…
In what is being dubbed as Sonic 2020, the company plans on inundating us with blue hedgehog themed news every month for a year over what is the build up to his 30th birthday (so I can only imagine what 2021 will bring us!). But, if I’m honest, I’m not too sure what these future reveals will entail – a few plushies, keyrings and a fridge magnet I presume. You know, generic merchandise.
However, news of at least one new game on any platform can’t be asking too much, so there’s one month foiled at least. Plus there’s the upcoming movie to publicise, which makes two. The other nine, though, I’ll leave to your imagination – and SEGA’s marketing team, obviously.
In the meantime, SEGA have celebrated this first reveal with a series of free themed wallpapers. But these are only available on PC and mobile for now. However, I can’t imagine us console users being forgotten for too long – hopefully. Otherwise this whole article will have been a waste of both my time and yours…
Despite that uncertainty, are you revved up on hearing this news? Or are you out of puff at the thought of 12 speedy reveals? Zoom down to the comments box and share your thoughts. Once you’ve caught your breath, of course.
Source: Gematsu
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