Devil May Cry 3 SE Switch Edition: Second New Feature Announced

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It’s not long now until everybody’s favourite demon slayer Dante head’s back to Nintendo Switch with the highly anticipated Devil May Cry 3 Special Edition.
CAPCOM has been hard at work making sure the Nintendo Switch Version is the best possible version of DMC3 to date and so far everything is looking good.

A couple of weeks ago CAPCOM announced that the style switching mechanic made famous in DMC4 will be included in DMC3 for the first time. DMC3 features six different fighting styles that originally had to be solely selected at the start of each level, now Demon Hunters around the world can switch from Gunslinger, Swordmaster, Trickster, Doppelganger, Royale Guard and Quicksilver all on the fly to enhance combat in the new Freestyle mode.
As if that wasn’t enough, CAPCOM has just announced that weapon selecting will now be fully available in DMC3. In the original version, you could only select two firearms and two devil arms to carry into battle, considering the number of awesome weapons available in the game this was always a tricky choice. Now you can cycle through every weapon with ZL and ZR respectively and for the cherry on the cake, holding down either button will bring up a weapon wheel for easier selection.
Will you be picking up DMC3 when it comes to Switch? Needless to say, the team at TBG are counting down the days until February 20th to get our hands on Devil May Cry 3 Switch Edition. With these new additions, this party is really getting crazy! LETS ROCK!

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