Call of Duty: Modern Warfare Sends Out False Reset Message

Call of Duty Modern Warfare Reset Message Error

Minor glitches or errors aren’t exactly unusual. Indeed, most gamers have probably encountered at least a few now and then. However, a recent error prompt which was sent out by Call of Duty: Modern Warfare has caused more than a little alarm among those players who were affected. Certainly, this appeared to be far from a minor glitch. The Modern Warfare reset message said that, due to data corruption, players would have to reset their rank and unlocks!

The Erroneous Modern Warfare Reset Message

When reports of this highly concerning Modern Warfare reset message began to emerge, Infinity Ward were seemingly caught off-guard. “We’re currently investigating an issue where players are getting an error prompt informing them their data is corrupt or did not download properly,” they stated on Twitter; “Please do not select either option, but please hard close your application.”
Call of Duty Modern Warfare Reset Message Error 2
Certainly, things rarely look good if the developers are telling you to hard close their game! Fortunately, the studio was able to address this error relatively quickly by the studio, and should no longer be occurring. Also, it seems that the loss of data was not actually too bad for those players who clicked ‘Yes’. Certain parts of their accounts did reset, but only their combat record, custom classes, leader boards, and operators. Fortunately, everything else, including rank and unlocks, is actually fine.
In fact, Infinity Ward has now said that they are working on a fix to revert this loss of data. However, there is a caveat. “You are still able to play the game as usual and your progression will still track,” they wrote in an update; “but please be aware that once we do have a fix, we may have to roll back your stats to the state you were in prior to today’s update”. As of yet, the studio has not released this update. However, they have promised to notify players when they do so.

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