Call of Duty: Modern Warfare Bug Makes Players Invisible

Industrious Call of Duty: Modern Warfare players have uncovered yet another odd bug in the online multiplayer shooter. This latest Modern Warfare bug is especially worrying because it appears to allow players to go invisible. Their nameplates and weapons persist, but their player model goes entirely invisible. Worse yet, achieving this bug appears to be relatively easy. All players need to do is purchase and wear one of Modern Warfare's new Call of Duty League team skins.
In a post that's gone viral on Reddit, user Manslentt is experimenting with a bug that they caught but weren't entirely sure about. The players, on opposing teams, are all wearing the new Call of Duty League team skin for the Dallas Empire. At first, it isn't clear what the bug's supposed to be, but then after the opposing players get a reasonable distance away from each other they disappear. This works with the opponent both standing still and moving around.
It isn't entirely clear what triggers the Modern Warfare bug, but the distance does seem to be the trigger for the bug. The players can see each other perfectly fine while they're standing close to each other. It's only when they move far enough apart that they turn invisible. The opponent then steps forward and steps back, further implying the issue is distance. They're then able to move to the side, up and down, while remaining invisible. So long as they stay at a certain distance, the invisibility holds.
What's likely happening is that this distance serves as a transition range in Modern Warfare. At certain distances, a model's visuals can "downgrade" so that high-resolution models and textures aren't used at distances where players can't even make out the detail. For the Dallas Empire skin, the model simply wasn't included or was mislabeled in Modern Warfare's code. Since the game can't load it, it doesn't show it, producing instant invisibility.
It isn't entirely clear whether this new Call of Duty: Modern Warfare invisibility bug is seeing widespread use. It could be a fluke, or at least limited to a very specific situation. For example, it may be just one platform experiencing it. It may be just this party experiencing it, for that matter. One thing's for sure, Infinity Ward hasn't issued an official comment. If it is just a random, non-recurring issue, hopefully Infinity Ward can confirm. If it's a bigger issue, then hopefully Infinity Ward's silence means a fix is in the works.

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